Linux Themes

I had some fun designing themes with Themix/Oomox. Unfortunately, I had to do it all in an ArcoLinux virtual machine, as I experienced a nasty glitch with the Flatpak app in Linux Mint—I couldn’t export themes!

I have, so far, made seven themes.

“Oomox Svenska” and “Oomox Steamy” are based on the menu interfaces one might find in old games and mods using the GoldSrc engine. “Steamy” was made from colors extracted from a screenshot of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero’s settings menu, and “Svenska” from one of Sven Co-op’s. (Note: I am not recommending that you play these games. I simply liked their menu interfaces.) “Oomox Lunatic” is based on Windows XP’s default theme.

The other themes are “original designs” of mine.

I’ve tested the themes with Cinnamon, MATE, and Xfce, and they seem to mostly work fine.

Below are screenshots of each theme in use; click on the download link below each for a .zip file of its respective theme. Extract the .zip file, and then place the theme’s folder into your .themes folder.