Here is a gallery of the pipes in my collection. It is organized chronologically, from my first pipe to my last-acquired one. You can click on each image to look at it more closely in another tab.
Missouri Meerschaum “Legend” Corn Cob Pipe

This is the first pipe I ever owned. It smokes very well but can hold little tobacco. Still, it is very serviceable, and was especially when it was my only pipe! I hold onto it for sentiment’s sake.
Unknown Brand, Bent Billiard Briar Pipe

I purchased this from a local tobacconist. It does not hold much tobacco, like the “Legend”, but it also smokes well, and is the best-clenching pipe I have, due to its being lightweight and nearly full-bent. However, it can heat up very quickly if I am not careful with it.
Pioneer Rusticated Gourd Calabash Pipe

This was a Christmas present from my mother. It is very beautiful, reminding me of the Old World, and smokes probably better than any of my other pipes. Since it is a gourd calabash, this pipe gives the coolest, most mellow smokes one can ever have. And since the pipe is so bent, one can clench it, but I wouldn’t recommend doing so–it’s of an awkward shape and you never want to drop a pipe like this one!
Missouri Meerschaum “General” (Mostly) Straight Corn Cob Pipe

This is one of my favorite pipes to smoke. It holds a lot of tobacco, if you can’t tell just from looking at it; and since it is a corn cob, it smokes cool (so they say) and does not ghost. However, given the tremendous size of this pipe, and that it is straight rather than bent, it is mighty hard to clench it. I say this pipe is “mostly straight” because I believe there was a mix-up when I bought this pipe. I got a pipe with a bent shank and a straight stem. Oh, well.
Savinelli Economic “404” Zulu Briar Pipe

I purchased this Savinelli pipe new for fifty dollars, as it is part of their Economic line of pipes, which do not get any workmanship or finishing touches. (This “economic” pipe came from Italy by air mail; isn’t that funny?) Hence, this is my “beater” pipe. I gallivant all around with it, not worrying about dropping it and thereby defacing it (I already have). This pipe is one of my best-smoking ones, and holds a decent amount of tobacco. Plus, I just love the Zulu shape.